The last two decades and this demi-decade has seen the rise of eco-friendly technology and green building developments guided by global rating and certification systems. However, apart from just making a mark on sustainability or branding, eco-friendly tech gives tangible financial and operational benefits to building and infrastructure owners.
Our broad spectrum of solutions are targetted at not just green building projects but also retro-fitting existing infrastructure with green tech that can greatly derive both lifecycle and operational cost savings.Our solutions in green tech are multiple and to name a few includes Under floor air distribution as replacement for HVAC systems with large energy savings and health benefits, energy efficiency equipment, water saving tech, LED lighting solutions including LED Wallpapers and a full range of green building material products that reduce both facility carbon foot-prints as well as the operational costs
We provide a broad range of advisory on Sustainable development. These range from green certifications, green building development, sustainable habitats development, CDM, energy efficiency enhancement and management, water efficiency and treatment systems, rain water harvesting, green construction material etc.
In addition, we help our clients access a wide portfolio of eco friendly services such as Building efficiency enhancement, afforestation, urban agriculture, permaculture, agri township projects, carbon labelling, carbon credits, carbon emission offsets etc. The specialised solutions also cover retro-fitting of energy efficiency and water efficiency solutions, incorporation of zero waste plugins for industrial and large commercial units, vertical farm plugins, digitalisation of infrastructure and industrial units, advisory on Industry 4.0 and artificial intelligence driven data analytics to name a few.
TERRA Switzerland GmbH
Breitenaustrasse 172, 8200, Schaffhausen, Switzerland
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ln der Rechtssache von Florian Rift vertreten durch die Steinmayr & Pitner Rechtsanwalte GmbH, erklart die TERRA Switzerland GmbH hiermit rechtsverbindlich, es zu unterlassen, Lichtbilder, deren lnhaber der Werknutzungs- und/oder Leistungsschutzrechte Florian Riff ist, ohne Werknutzungsbewilligung und insbesondere ohne einer entsprechenden Herstellerbezeichnung, zu veroffentlichen. "
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